
Main window

In the main window you can manage all your downloads. Add, Pause or Remove downloads with simple interface. You can access download manager options with "Options" button or from the top menu.


Starting downloads

In order to start download, click "Add" button and paste download url of your file. Is you selected "Detect url placed to clipboard" in downloader setting, download url will be added to this window one you copy it. "


In order to access download manager options, click "Options" button.

From "Options" setting you can manage your interface, internet connection, browser integration and file hosting accounts.

In order to add hosting accounts you need to login first to your account. If you do not have an account, you need to register first.

Account manager

After you've logged in, click "Add" button and select hoster with which you have an account. Enter login and passwword into prefered fields and specify location for file downloads. Click "Ok" button in order to save the setting.


If you do not have any active premium account with supported hoster, you can buy license for limited period of time for 30, 90, 180 or 365 days. License allows you to download files from all supported hosters. Please check available license options on our "Buy license" page.